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Water Cycle Project 2011  
Due Date: 4/25/2013
Subject: Third Grade

                                         Third Grade Water Cycle Project due January 26, 2011

     Third grade students are responsible for a Science Project reflecting their understanding of the Water Cycle. Students are required to draw ( on a poster) or create ( a diorama) a water cycle which includes each stage of the cycle and what it means. An example of this is in the orange science book on pages D18-19 and in the purple science book on page 158 and 159.  There are also many resources on the internet ( or at the library. Students will be required to explain each step of the water cycle to the class and describe what happens during each stage. 

                                                  Rubric for Water Cycle

Each stage of water cycle labeled and described ........................................20 points

Drawing or diorama presented as a cycle ...................................................20 points

Creative, colorful, and neat "kid work" .......................................................20 points

Oral presentation showed understanding of the stages of the water cycle........20 points

Project turned in and presented on time......................................................20points




Black History Project  
Due Date: 2/28/2013
Subject: Third Grade



Black History Project

Objective: To identify famous Black Americans who have made contributions to our society.

Due: February 28, 2013

No late projects will be accepted and no Internet printouts will be accepted.

Reports are to be written in the student's own words using information from books, the Internet, or encyclopedias. Students are to choose five of the categories below and  identify one Black American in each of the five category, write a short report using the outline provide, and include a picture of each person.


  • Politicians/Leaders
  • Scientists
  • Artist
  • Writers/ Authors/Poets
  • mathematicians
  • Sports
  • Businessmen/ women
  • Inventors
  • Musicians/ Entertainers
  • Educators

We ask that you not include Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, and George Washington Carver in your reports. Although these people made outstanding contributions to society, we study these four people extensively in our classes. We want our students to expand their knowledge of other important Black Americans.

Include the following information:

•1.       Name of person

•2.       Date of birth and death ( if person is no longer living)

•3.       Place of birth

•4.       Occupation of person

•5.       Why was this person famous?

•6.       List at least 5 facts about the person

•7.       Tell the most interesting thing you learned about the person

The attached grade sheet will be used to grade your report. Please contact me if there any questions.

Oral Presentation: Students will select one person to role-play.  They may dress as that person and give a 3 minute presentation from memory (no reading) to tell interesting facts about their chosen person. In addition to the oral presentation, students must provide a visual: a half poster board with a title which inclueds name and category and large picture of the person or pictures of something related to his/her contribution. In your own words, describe the most important contribution of this person and the difference it has made. 








Black History Project Outline

Name of person: ____________________________________

Date of birth and death______________________________

Place of birth_______________________________________

Occupation of person (job)____________________________

(This is the category)

Why was this person famous? ________________________________



Tell at least 5 facts about the person



2. ________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________


4. ________________________________________________________


5. ________________________________________________________



Tell the most interesting thing you learned about the person





Career Poster - Social Studies Project  
Due Date: 4/13/2010
Subject: Third Grade

April 5, 2010

Dear Parents,

   We are learning about different careers and jobs in Social Studies this week. We are reading books and discussing them in class. We will also look things up on the internet in the Computer Lab to get more ideas. Our project is to make a poster about what we might like to be when we grow up. It should include a title and pictures ( cutout, copied, or drawn) of something related to that occupation. It should also tell what a person in a job does, and why I chose that occupation. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation count. It should be colorful and creative. I also have to dress up or role play my chosen career for my presentation ( no reading). 

Rubric for Career Poster

Title ---------------------------------------10 points

Pictures ------------------------------------10 points

Description of responsiblities--------------25 points

Reason for choosing this career----------25 points

Spelling/ capitalization/punctation--------10 points

Neatnes/creativity--------------------------20 points

Dress-up or Role Play/presentation------100 points


  ** Due Tuesday, April 13, 2010 **

Career Poster - Social Studies Project  
Due Date: 4/13/2010
Subject: Third Grade

April 5, 2010

Dear Parents,

   We are learning about different careers and jobs in Social Studies this week. We are reading books and discussing them in class. We will also look things up on the internet in the Computer Lab to get more ideas. Our project is to make a poster about what we might like to be when we grow up. It should include a title and pictures ( cutout, copied, or drawn) of something related to that occupation. It should also tell what a person in a job does, and why I chose that occupation. Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation count. It should be colorful and creative. I also have to dress up or role play my chosen career for my presentation ( no reading). 

Rubric for Career Poster

Title ---------------------------------------10 points

Pictures ------------------------------------10 points

Description of responsiblities--------------25 points

Reason for choosing this career----------25 points

Spelling/ capitalization/punctation--------10 points

Neatnes/creativity--------------------------20 points

Dress-up or Role Play/presentation------100 points


  ** Due Tuesday, April 13, 2010 **

Water Cycle Project  
Due Date: 1/15/2010
Subject: Third Grade

Third Grade Water Cycle Project due January 15, 2010

Student will create a drawing of the water cycle and present it to the class.

The student understands the stages of the water cycle (for example, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation).

Direction:  Draw or create a water cycle and label the parts and main cycle.  An example is on page 158-159 science book. 

Oral Presentation:  Student will stand up and explain their project to class and tell us what a water cycle is and how it helps the earth. 

Rubric: 60% on drawing, creativity, and correct labeling

           20% on verbal communication- explaining their project to the class.

           20% Report turned in on time

Leaf Project   
Due Date: 11/19/2009
Subject: Third Grade

Dear Parents,

       We are beginning our plant Unit in Science. We will be learning about Plant Growth and Development and the functions of the parts of a plant.  We will be participating in various Identification Project. One purpose of our Home Projects is to help children be aware of their environment and the plants around them.  Another purpose is to encourage involvement between parents and children in this fun and learning process.

      The students will be required to collect at least 10 different kinds of leaves from outdoors and identify them.  The leaves can be displayed neatly in booklets, on posters, or any other creative ways your and your child come with . The leaves must be correctly identified for full credit. You can look on the internet or check out books from the public library.

Below is the rubric that the third grade teachers will use to grade your child's collection.

  • Student Handwriting ------------------------------------20 points
  • Correct Identification ---------------------------------- 20 points
  • Creativity/Neatness------------------------------------- 20 points
  • Oral Presentation ( can verbally identify leaves)------ 20 points
  • Minimum of ten (10) leaves displayed----------------- 20 points

                                                     Total -------------------- 100points

This project is due on Thursday, Nov. 19, 2009.  If there are any questions, please contact us at 432-3500


                                                                         Thank you,

                                                                          Third Grade Teachers

