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Class Activities

Water Cycle Process   
Activity Date: 1/6/2009

Third Grade Water Cycle Project due January 16, 2009

Student will create a drawing of the water cycle and present it to the class.

The student understands the stages of the water cycle (for example, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation).

Direction:  Draw or create a water cycle and label the parts and main cycle.  An example is on page 158-159 science book. 

Oral Presentation:  Student will stand up and explain their project to class and tell us what a water cycle is and how it helps the earth. 

Rubric: 75% on drawing, creativity, and correct labeling

           25% on verbal communication- explaining their project to the class.

First Science Project   
Activity Date: 10/16/2007

Dear Parents,

The students will have an opportunity to show how creative they can be in science.  Our first project will deal with any theme from chapter 8 or 9 in our science textbook.  They can create a project using a poster, model, diorama, etc...  They may make an earthquake, landform, earth layers, volcanoes, or anything dealing with these two chapters.  I am sure your children have shown their letter that they had written.  Please feel free to call during conference time at 12:40. Phone number is 432-3500.


Mrs. Bell
